The Frustrations of A Shy Person 

Are you shy? Well, guess what? Me too! You know the agony that I feel when I’m trying to socialise with new people in a new environment. Being shy is one of the most frustrating and annoying things one can experience. A lot of things can go wrong when you are a shy person. Here is a list of things that you and I can relate to:

1. Mentally preparing yourself during roll call just to say “here” 😡


When I was in school, I used to do this all the time. I’d sit there preparing myself to say that one word and when it was finally my turn, I either said it too soft or cracked my voice. Then I had to say it again because my teacher didn’t hear me.

2. Looking away when your crush looks at you.

MRW she sees me looking into her eyes. - Imgur

As much as it flatters me to have someone I find quite attractive looking my way, I always end up doing this.

3. People that don’t know you think you’re a bitch.


“I swear I’m not a bitch, I’m just shy”

It’s not my fault that my face is like this! I always have my resting bitch face on. And I’m too shy to talk to you to prove that I’m actually a nice person 😦

4. Envying those who have the gift of ‘confidence’


No, it isn’t fair! Why are you blessed with social skills and I’m not?!

5. Always trying to rehearse things in your head before actually saying them out loud.

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“Don’t say something stupid. Don’t say something stupid. Don’t say something stupid.”

6. Whens someone asks “Why are you so shy?”


Really? I don’t even know the answer to that one. That is the dumbest question to ask a shy person ever.

7. Having no idea what to talk about.


8. And then having to go through the ‘awkward silence’ phase until somebody with better social skills show up


Talk about awkward…

9. Trying to order food or answering a phone call without stuttering


The amount of times I have asked my boyfriend to order food or answer a call for me is countless, I tell you!

10. Making excuses to ditch social gatherings


11. You hate birthday parties because you don’t know what to do when your friends sing you ‘Happy Birthday’


I usually just smile awkwardly and hope it’ll be over soon.

12. When your report card always had a note saying that you needed “to participate more in class”


13. Opening your mouth to finally say something only to have someone speak over you


Bitch, really?

14. Going out of your way to avoid presentations

Me putting the bowl down after taking the forbidden toke that brought me to an unwanted level[9] - Imgur

15. Constantly getting sarcastic remarks about how you “talk too much”


15. But don’t fret, didn’t you know everyone thinks shy people are cute?



Thanks for stopping by!

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